
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Wizard Collection Mattel Action Figures

In 2001 Mattel released action figures based on the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone movie. The figures came with an accessory and a casting stone for use in the Casting Stone Game. The figures can be used in the Electronic Powercasting Playset.

Note: In the book, Harry Potter Collector’s Handbook (2010) the author William Silvester writes:

“The variety that has caused the most controversy is the crest vs. no crest. The story goes that in the early days of producing the figures, Mattel was inconsistent with details on some of the figures, notably Gryffindor Harry, Gryffindor Ron, Gryffindor Hermione, Slytherin Malfoy, and Remembrall Malfoy. Some of these figures were produced with crests on the left side of their chests, others without. Most that I have seen are without crests, but some sellers claim that the ones with the crests are the rare ones. The pictures of the figures on the package do not have crests, and therefore I assume this would be the correct variety. Until this debate has been decided, I suggest you take care in purchasing crest/no crest figures unless the seller can confirm the source of his information as to which is the rarity, if either.” (p. 19)

Gryffindor Harry

When Harry Potter puts the tattered Sorting Hat on his head, he pleads for it not to place him in Slytherin. When the hat finally shouts: 'GRYFFINDOR!' Harry is elated that he will live and learn with his new friend, Ron. Hedwig, his beautiful snowy owl and personal courier, will live with the other messenger owls in the owlery.


Gryffindor Ron

Ron Weasley has a lot to live up to. He is the sixth Weasley brother to attend Hogwarts and this year, his older brother Percy is a Prefect for Gryffindor. To make things worse, Ron is stuck bringing the family pet, Scabbers the rat, to school with him. Thankfully, his new best friend, Harry Potter is there to make things a lot more exciting.


Gryffindor Hermione

Hermione Granger is happiest when she has her nose stuck in a book. And any book will do. Although not from a wizard family, she is clearly the smartest first year at Hogwarts. But beneath her brainy exterior is a kind, gentle soul who is forever loyal to her best friends, Harry and Ron.


Slytherin Malfoy

It's easy to dislike Draco Malfoy, descendant of an old wizard family and resident of Slytherin house. Malfoy, who reminds Harry of his wretched cousin Dudley, resents Harry's fame and does his best to make Harry's life at Hogwarts miserable.


Quidditch Harry

It's the first day of Quidditch season - the most exciting of all wizard sports! And Harry Potter, who has a natural talent for the sport, is whisking through the skies on his Nimbus 2000. He is the youngest Seeker in about 100 years. Will he capture the Golden Snitch and sweep the Gryffindor team to glory?


Invisibility Cloak Harry

Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Wizard Collection Mattel Action Figures.jpg

When Harry Potter was given an invisibility cloak on his first Christmas at Hogwarts, he discovers that this magical, silvery gray cloak was once his father's. Told to “use it well,” Harry did just that when he helped to smuggle Norbert, the Norwegian Ridgeback baby dragon to safety.


Professor Snape

Severus Snape, the cold-as-a-cauldron Professor of Potions, is making life at Hogwarts difficult for all of his first year students, especially Harry Potter. In his cold and creepy dungeon classroom, Snape and his bottle of potions are menacing. Is he truly evil or are looks deceiving?


Headmaster Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore, still young at age one hundred and fifty, is considered the greatest wizard of all time. As the brilliant Headmaster of Hogwarts, this fair-minded and honorable wizard has powers that are rivaled by only one other - the evil Lord Voldemort. Headmaster Dumbledore is limited edition figure.


Remembrall Malfoy

First year student Draco Malfoy is a first-class troublemaker. This bully delights in tormenting everyone, especially Harry and his friends. When Malfoy snatches poor, forgetful Neville Longbottom's Remembrall, Harry is reminded of his wretched cousin Dudley and takes matters into his own hands. Remembrall Malfoy is a limited edition figure.


Professor Quirrell

Professor Quirrell teaches Defense Against The Dark Arts at Hogwarts. But who is this pale, young man with the stutter and why is he so uncomfortable around Harry? As the story unravels we learn his dark secret in the final battle for the Sorcerer's Stone. Professor Quirrell is a limited edition figure.


Lord Voldemort

Professor Quirrell teaches Defense Against The Dark Arts at Hogwarts. But who is this pale, young man with the stutter and why is he so uncomfortable around Harry? As the story unravels we learn his dark secret in the final battle for the Sorcerer's Stone. Lord Voldemort is a limited edition figure.


Lord Voldemort with Garlic Necklace

Professor Quirrell teaches Defense Against The Dark Arts at Hogwarts. But who is this pale, young man with the stutter and why is he so uncomfortable around Harry? As the story unravels we learn his dark secret in the final battle for the Sorcerer's Stone. Lord Voldemort with Garlic Necklace was released alongside the Chamber of Secrets Wizard Collection.


Griphook The Gringotts Goblin

Just beyond the bronze doors of Gringotts, the wizard's bank, Griphook the goblin is ready to take Harry on a wild cart ride to his underground vault. Behind the door is a small fortune - piles of gold Galleons, silver Sickles, and bronze Knuts! Griphook was released alongside the Chamber of Secrets Wizard Collection.